Rainer Bäder has a long history in IT Communication and Security and is active since almost 30 years in this domain.
With Experience in almost all domain – Network Security, Endpoint Security, OT Security, Cloud Security, Governance, etc and even special topics like VoIP/IMS Security, SAP Security he has a good overview what needs to be done to secure the apps and infrastructure. Another big piece in the Security domain is the Human Factor. Further he has worked at the leading suppliers and got worldwide experience with what other countries and cultures approach Security, he has gained as well good insights into the largest German organizations about realization of Security Projects.
The Technology in combination with the correct and appropriate processes makes a good Security solution. In combination with the best people and organization this will keep the adversary out.
The combination and balance between People/Organization and Processes/Procedures and Technology is a wonderful area to be in. New technology like DL/ML and AI makes it even more challenging.