Donnerstag, 21. September
10:00 - 10:30
Live in Berlin
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Datenschutz und Cybersicherheit bedingen einander. Zumindest legen dies etablierte Grundprinzipien des Datenschutzes nahe. Dennoch werden beide zu oft isoliert betrachtet und gelegentlich sogar gegeneinander ausgespielt. Warum dies weder sachgerecht noch zweckdienlich ist, wird in dieser Session erklärt. Zur Förderung der Zusammenarbeit von Datenschutz- und Cybersicherheitsbeauftragten zeigen die Referenten unter Darstellung der massiv ansteigenden und zunehmend ausgefeilten Cyber-Bedrohungen auf, wie SecOps und die Orientierung am Stand der Technik helfen koennen und Cybersicherheit den Datenschutz ergänzen kann unter dem Aspekt wie und wogegen Daten geschützt werden müssen. Erhalten Sie Einblick in aktuelle, reale Bedrohungslagen und wie Datenschutz hierbei involviert ist.
Stefan Plier holds a master’s degree in computer science and has worked in IT for 20+ years, focusing on IT-Security and Know-How-Protection by implementing security in processes, applications, and transactions, including merger and acquisitions or carve-outs. Stefan added Data Privacy to his portfolio in 2004, when he became Data Privacy Officer for the industrial services and solutions group of Siemens and later for the Siemens industry sector before moving on to the Corporate Data Privacy team in 2011. In 2020 he was appointed Corporate Data Privacy Officer for Siemens Energy, a global technology and solutions provider contributing to a more sustainable, reliable and affordable energy supply worldwide.
Stefan is a member of the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD) and holds a certification in privacy management by the University of Applied Sciences, Ulm. He is also member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and is holder of its CIPP/E, CIPT, and FIP credentials.
Stefan Plier holds a master’s degree in computer science and has worked in IT for 20+ years, focusing on IT-Security and Know-How-Protection by implementing security in processes, applications, and transactions, including merger and acquisitions or carve-outs. Stefan added Data Privacy to his portfolio in 2004, when he became Data Privacy Officer for the industrial services and solutions group of Siemens and later for the Siemens industry sector before moving on to the Corporate Data Privacy team in 2011. In 2020 he was appointed Corporate Data Privacy Officer for Siemens Energy, a global technology and solutions provider contributing to a more sustainable, reliable and affordable energy supply worldwide.
Stefan is a member of the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD) and holds a certification in privacy management by the University of Applied Sciences, Ulm. He is also member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and is holder of its CIPP/E, CIPT, and FIP credentials.
Stefan Plier holds a master’s degree in computer science and has worked in IT for 20+ years, focusing on IT-Security and Know-How-Protection by implementing security in processes, applications, and transactions, including merger and acquisitions or carve-outs. Stefan added Data Privacy to his portfolio in 2004, when he became Data Privacy Officer for the industrial services and solutions group of Siemens and later for the Siemens industry sector before moving on to the Corporate Data Privacy team in 2011. In 2020 he was appointed Corporate Data Privacy Officer for Siemens Energy, a global technology and solutions provider contributing to a more sustainable, reliable and affordable energy supply worldwide.
Stefan is a member of the German Association for Data Protection and Data Security (GDD) and holds a certification in privacy management by the University of Applied Sciences, Ulm. He is also member of the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP) and is holder of its CIPP/E, CIPT, and FIP credentials.
Dirk Koch ist Partner der Kanzlei ByteLaw Rechtsanwälte in Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. Er verfügt über eine technische Qualifikation als und Certified Ethnical Hacker (CEHv11). Er ist insbesondere als Counsel tätig und berät Unternehmen in den Bereichen Datensicherheit, Datenschutz als CIPP/E qualifizierter Counsel und Corporate IT Governance, einschließlich der Beratung im Bereich der Aufdeckung und Abwehr von Datendiebstahl und Cyber-Attacken (Breach Counselor). Er lehrt an der Universität Bamberg.
Olga Stepanova, LL.M. (Berkeley), CIPP/E ist Partnerin der Kanzlei ByteLaw Rechtsanwälte in Frankfurt am Main, Deutschland. Als Fachanwältin für Informationstechnologierecht sowie Fachanwältin für gewerblichen Rechtsschutz berät sie in den Bereichen Datenschutz, IT-Recht und allen Rechtsfragen im Zusammenhang mit der Digitalisierung. Ihre Kernkompetenzen liegen im Bereich neuer Technologien, datengetriebener Geschäftsmodelle und dem Informationssicherheitsrecht. Sie ist Autorin zahlreicher wissenschaftlicher Publikationen in diesem Bereich und Fachbegutachterin der Deutschen Akkreditierungsstelle (DAkkS) in den Bereichen Compliance, BCM und IT.